ŠStatement sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs withŠa Loan By-lawŠCity (or town) of .....................ŠŠ1. Total value of taxable immovable propertyŠ according to valuable roll .............................$Š2. Total Debts of the Municipality ........................$Š3. General taxes collected during the lastŠ fiscal period (Taxes under sections 485 andŠ following and the business tax) ........................$Š4. Loans:ŠŠ===============================================================ŠNos. of by-laws . 105 . 118 Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠAmounts . $20,000 . $5,000 Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠObjects . Loan for road . Bonds issued in Š . bonds . payment of City Š . . Hall-ground Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠDate of loan of issue . . Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠMaturing . . Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠRate of interest . . Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠAmount required for . . Šinterest, and sinking-funds. . Šduring current year . . Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠAmount levied by special . . Štaxes for interest and . . Šsinking-funds . . Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠAmount taken from general . . Šrevenue for interest and . . Šsinking-funds . . Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠSums repaid to lenders or . . Šbond holders . . Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠAmount of accumulated . . Šsinking-funds . . Š---------------------------.-----------------.-----------------ŠBalance due on loan . . Š---------------------------------------------------------------ŠŠI, the undersigned, certify that the above statement isŠcorrect.ŠŠ Date .................................. Treasurer of the cityŠ(or town) of ..................................................